Monday, November 3, 2008


How did your podcast creation go? Be specific.
What problems did you have making your podcast? (with Garage Band, your partner, scripting, interviewing, et cetera) Why did you have these problems?
What was the best part of the podcast, in your opinion? Why is it the best?
What would you have done differently? Why?
What went smoothly with making your podcast? Why?
What grade would you give your podcast? Why?
Think of ways you could use podcasting in the classroom. Write down at least four

1. I think it's awful. Jaime and I worked hard, but it's not what I wanted. It's little boring, because we just focused on the time and something like interviewing people. We didn't focus on making our podcast fun.
2. I wanted to make a script, but Jaime wanted to record without a script. I get kind of nervous when I record something, or say something not prepared. So, I wanted to make a script, but Jaime is okay with recording without prepared. This is why we had the problem.
3. I don't really have the best part of the podcast, but the better part than the others is the ending part. When Jaime and I told our opinions about the Monroe Mock Election, it sounded more natural than other parts.
4. I would have done the starting differently, because it's boring than others and there is nothing to get attraction from the others. Good starting is to get attraction and interest from others, but my podcast isn't.
5. The ending went smoothly. Both Jaime and me were kind of tired, and we just press the recording button and started to say anything that we had in our minds. So it was pretty easy and not much nervous.
6. "B", because it is not good than I thought, but we worked hard on this so maybe we will get a B.
7. - When teachers give assignments to students.
- On 1st period, let teachers play the podcast of the announcements on that day, instead of letting students announce that morning.
- When teachers give some introduction to students about the class works.
- To get an "A" in the class. :)

Friday, October 17, 2008


1. A hyperlink is a link that makes us go to a website just by clicking, instead of typing all the address in the a new tab.

2. We can post a hyperlink in our blogs by clicking the icon that says "link". 

3. "Delicious. com" is a website that we can save the address we want to go on the Internet. We can save as many as we want, and just click whenever we want.

4. People use "", because they can save their favorite address here. It is much more comfortable to use, rather than typing the address.

My Delicious!!!

It's Sophia's Delicious link. :)

My Voki!!!

This is my Voki.
It's just like me!_!

Get a Voki now!

Get a Voki now!

Get a Voki now!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Things I learned!!!

Lots of people listen to music so much they're going deaf!

Sanfran MusicTech will bring the best music with musicians.

Smart candidates should include music education in elementary schools.


Listening to music is my hobby. I really like it. 
When I listen to music, it makes me happy, and it makes me more relax.
I like the ballad music. It's a little quiet than other, so when I listen, it makes me feel better.
In Korea, I downloaded some good music to listen in my MP3 player.
My favorite song is "Because of You".
I think listening to music is a great hobby for all people.
Especially, for the people who is stressed out!!!